Interactive Role Based Educational Games

From Cleopatra to Alexander the Great, we have many 3D animated, interactive role based games for you to learn while having fun! Just choose a historic character and take on their role as you live their life in their world, and playing these fun interactive games while having a great learning experience.

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Recently Added Games

New games are constantly being added and updated in our library. Here are some of the games that have recently added.

Cleopatra and Ancient Egypt

Rule Ancient Egypt as Cleopatra and learn how her relationship with Emperor Julius Caesar helped build Ancient Rome into a great Empire.

Alexander the Great

Conquer Ancient Greece, and Mesopotamia as Alexander the Great, one of the world's greatest leaders in world history.

Henry Parkes

Unite the various states in Australia and set the foundation for a brand new nation as Henry Parkes, the Father of Federation. Inspire the birth of Australia.

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Engaging Learning Experiences

Using 3D animation, a real-time physics engine and modern story-telling practices, all students will be immersed and engaged by these game like learning experiences.

3D Animation

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Real-time Physics

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How we can help you

Immersive Worlds

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How we can help you

Modern Story Telling

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How we can help you

Interactive Experiences

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How we can help you

Engaging Learning Environments

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How we can help you